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Department of Computer Science

University of California, Santa Barbara


CS@UCSB NRC Rankings

TESTING-On September 28, 2010, the National Research Council (NRC) released its ranking of PhD programs across the nation. The survey evaluates over 5,000 PhD programs in 62 fields and 212 universities in the United States.

These scores puts the Department of Computer Science within the top 10 of the Nation's PhD programs in Computer Science. (and more)

Choose UCSB - Computer Science

Our computer science department encompasses a dynamic environment for research, a state-of-the-art teaching program, and a first-class faculty. Our degree programs help students become outstanding professionals, prepared to impact all manner of modern society through the application of cutting edge information technology. Our graduates work in a spectrum of settings, from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups, as well as in government and universities. (and more)

Faculty Position in ECE in the field of Computer Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara is seeking applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor position in the field of Computer Engineering with a start date of Fall quarter, 2014. (and more)

Department News Letter.
Learn more about our Undergraduate Programs.
Learn more about our Graduate Program (Applications due Dec. 15th).

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Updated 09-Nov-2022
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