594 and 595 Courses for Winter 2014
For help in enrolling in these courses, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor.
594 Academic Writing
Enroll Code: 66290
Instructor: Janet Kayfetz
Time: MW 1100-1250
Location: Phelps 1401
Units: 4 units
Class Webpage: n/a
The Academic Writing class is an intensive analysis of the principles of
excellent academic writing for Computer Science graduate students
preparing a range of texts including research papers, conference
proposals, conference posters, book chapters, technical reports,
Class discussion focuses on the central role of rhetorical positioning in the development of a clear, interesting, and rigorous science research paper. We talk about the significance of narrowing the problem space, the construction of logical arguments, the reporting and interpretation of data, as well as other important concepts including reader-oriented writing, genre, precision, tone, and strategies useful for redrafting and editing. Some of the texts we analyze and practice include introductions, data commentaries, results/discussion, conclusions, abstracts, fellowship proposals, research statements, funding requests, posters, blogs.
Students receive detailed feedback on their writing through class activities as well as individual conferencing throughout the course. An important course goal is the refinement of students' skills as critical readers so that they are able to offer explicit and useful feedback to colleagues and co-writers.
595E Advanced Computer Architecture
Enroll Code: TBA
Instructor: Chong
Time: Wednesday 2:00pm-3:00pm
Location: HFH 5120A
Units: 2 units
Class Webpage: n/a
Students will read selected papers in computer architecture and
discuss contemporary research issues.
595G Hacking Club
Enroll Code: TBA
Instructor: Dick Kemmerer
Time: Wednesdays 6:00pm-10:00pm
Location: HFH 1132
Units: 2 units
Class Webpage: n/a
595N Faculty Research Seminar
Enroll Code: 62208
Instructor: Conrad
Time: Friday 1:00pm-2:00pm
Location: HFH 1152
Units: 2 units
Class Webpage: n/a
Each week, two faculty members make 30 minute presentations about the
research being done in their labs. Required of all 1st year Ph.D.
students, and any 2nd year Ph.D. students that do not yet have advisors.
MS students may enroll for the purpose of learning more about the
breadth of research in the department, but the course does not count
towards the MS study plan. Meets 1pm-2pm, exactly, Please arrive by
12:55pm so the first presentation can start on time.