May 15, 2014
MS Project Defense – Leah Chatkeonopadol
[ May 22, 2014; 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. ] Thursday, May 22nd at 1:00pm
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Heather Zheng (Chair) and Ben Zhao
Title: Understanding Energy and Performance of Wearable Device
With the increasing development of wearable devices such as Google Glass and smart watches, body area networks (BANs) will become more common as the need arises for a user’s devices to communicate with each other. [...]
May 14, 2014
New Encryption Primitives for Uncertain Times
[ May 28, 2014; 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. ] UCSB Computer Science Department Presents:
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Room 1132 Harold Frank Hall
Title: New Encryption Primitives for Uncertain Times
Speaker: Thomas Ristenpart, University of Wisconsin Madison
Host: Stefano Tessaro
I’ll talk about our recent work on a variety of new encryption mechanisms that deal with various functionality and security deficiencies in conventional schemes. We’ll start with format-transforming encryption, a tool [...]
May 13, 2014
PhD Defense – Muath Alkhalaf
[ May 20, 2014; 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. ] Tuesday, May 20th at 2:00pm
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Tevfik Bultan (Chair), Ben Hardekopf, Christopher Kruegel
Title: Automatic Detection and Repair of Input Validation and Sanitization Bugs
A crucial problem in developing dependable web applications is establishing the correctness of input validation and sanitization code. Bugs in string manipulation operations used for validation and sanitization are common, resulting [...]
May 8, 2014
Prof. Ted Kim to deliver Plous Lecture on May 12
[ May 12, 2014; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] Ted Kim, a professor in Media Arts and Technology with a joint appointment in Computer Science, is the recipient of the 2014 Harold J. Plous Award. Prof. Kim will give his Plous lecture, entitled “Visual Effects in the 21st Century,” on Monday, May 12, beginning at 4 pm, in the McCune Conference Room, 6020 Humanities and [...]
MAE – Morgan Vigil
[ May 15, 2014; 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. ] Thursday, May 15th at 1:30pm
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Elizabeth Belding (Chair), Amr El Abbadi, Ben Zhao
Title: Enabling Knowledge and Content Sharing in Challenged Rural Environments
Attempts to get the next three billion people connected to broadband services have made emerging rural networks a more common phenomenon. Due to infrastructural costs, these networks predominantly rely on various [...]
MS Project Defense – Bo Yang
[ May 19, 2014; 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. ] Monday, May 19th at 10:00am
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Xifeng Yan (Chair), Tao Yang
Title: Comparison of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
Personalized recommendations have become more and more important nowadays. The technique of collaborative filtering is especially successful in generating this kind of recommendations. So the comparison of accuracy and coverage is worthwhile. In this project, four CF algorithms found in the literature (item-based, user-based, [...]
May 7, 2014
MAE – Christopher Hall
[ May 14, 2014; 9:00 am to 11:00 am. ] Wednesday, May 14th at 9:00am
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Tobias Hollerer (Chair), Tevfik Bultan, Chandra Krintz
Title: Software Architecture Implications on HCI
There is a large divide between the acts of developing versus using a piece of software. There are many concepts and tools that are only ever encounterable during development, and likewise, interfaces that are built for [...]
May 6, 2014
PhD Defense – Gianluca Stringhini
[ May 15, 2014; 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. ] Thursday, May 15th at 11:00am
Harold Frank Hall 1132
Committee: Christopher Kruegel (Chair), Giovanni Vigna, Ben Zhao
Title: Stepping Up the Cybersecurity Game: Protecting Online Services from Malicious Activity
Cybercrime is one of the main problems on today’s Internet. Attackers infect their victims’ machines, and have them join botnets — networks of compromised computers that act under the control [...]