On Real-time Distributed Geographical Database Systems
by: Manhoi Choy, Mei-Po Kwan, and Hong Va Leong
Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) under the Intelligent VehicleHighway Systems (IVHS) context require efficient information retrieval andupdating in a dynamic environment and at different geographical scales. Someproblems in ATIS can be solved base on the functionalities provided by GISsystems. However, extra requirements such as real-time response are notreadily met in existing GIS systems. We investigate the use of GIS-basedsystems for applications in ATIS and we propose a new system architecture basedon existing GIS technology and distributed computing technology. Issues ondata modeling, data representations, storage and retrieval, data aggregation,and parallel processing of on-line queries in the proposed GIS-based systemsare discussed.
Geographical information system, Advanced traveler informationsystem, Mobile and distributed computing environment,Object-oriented data model, Concurrency control, Privacy protection.
December 1993
Document: 1993-21