Transparent Gif

Department of Computer Science

University of California, Santa Barbara


SWEB: Towards a Scalable World Wide Web Server on Multicomputers

by: Daniel Andresen, Tao Yang, Vegard Holmedahl, and Oscar H. Ibarra


We investigate the issues involved in developing a scalable World Wide Web(WWW) server on a cluster of workstations and parallel machines, using theHypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). The main objective is to strengthen theprocessing capabilities of such a server by utilizing the power ofmulticomputers to match huge demands in simultaneous access requests from theInternet. We have implemented a system called SWEB on a distributed memorymachine, the Meiko CS-2, and networked SUN and DEC workstations. Thescheduling component of the system actively monitors the usages of CPU, I/Ochannels and the interconnection network to effectively distribute HTTPrequests across processing units to exploit task and I/O parallelism. Wepresent the experimental results on the performance of this system. Ourresults indicate that the system delivers good performance on multi-computersand obtains significant improvements over other approaches.


World Wide Web (WWW), Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP),Scheduling and load balancing, Scalability, Task and I/Oparallelism.


September 1995

Document: 1995-17

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Updated 14-Nov-2005
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