Transparent Gif

Department of Computer Science

University of California, Santa Barbara


Dynamic Object Migration and Replication on Clusters

by: Ambuj K. Singh, Sezgin Sucu


Cluster-based network servers in which commodity PCs areinterconnected by high speed LANs have become a popular architecture forserving content to remote clients, or for supporting sharing amongdistributed clients. We consider the problem of dynamically replicatingobjects on such architectures: each node chooses to keep a copy or notbased on the stream of incoming requests. We consider two variants of thebasic architecture: one without a shared disk in which all shared objectshave to be memory resident, and another with a shared disk in whichobjects may be purged to a shared disk. We present new algorithms forboth architectures. Besides being competitive, these algorithms arepractical since they are efficient under stable object access patterns.


online algorithm, distributed systems, caching, cluster computing.


August 2001

Document: 2001-13

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